Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Odd Always Odd

I have had more than a handful of people make remarks in the last few months about how lucky I am to:

1.  not have to share a closet
2.  not have to share a bathroom
3.  not have to check-in/consider anyone else when making plans
4.  not have anyone else involved in my finances

as if this is the life I dreamed about when I was a little girl.  While I'm trying hard to be grateful every day and to garner any contentment and satisfaction from the blessings I have, make no mistake, I do not choose to be alone in this world.  I wish I did.  Then, I wouldn't resent fairy tales, reality shows like the Bachelor(ette) and all the lovey-dovey folks I encounter regularly.  I wouldn't feel looked over, rejected, incredibly disappointed and like the permanent odd in a world full of evens.


Jennifer said...

I love you.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.

katy said...

Ditto Jennifer. :)

TRS said...

So true!

Likewise, I'm bothered by folks who say, Don't give in to the pressure to get married. I'm NOT giving into pressure, it's what I WANT. It's the DESIRE of my heart! It's not cultural pressure that makes me desire marriage. It's life, it's God. It's knowing what I'm missing!

Stopping by after I came across your comment in an old post on my blog. Thanks for stopping by!