Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Nine years ago today, I walked across the stage to receive my diploma. Only, of course I did not receive my diploma. I received a pleather folder with a paper notifying me of when I could expect to receive my actual degree in the mail.

I walked across that stage, praying I would not trip, feeling full of the future's promise and possibility. I smiled and shook my dean's hand, posed for the gratuitous pictures (that never turns out good enough to buy) and made my way back to my seat. Where I sat for the next two hours struggling with whether to break the rules and leave or do as I was told and sit through the remaining ceremony. Obviously, I followed the rules. No surprises there.

I just knew as I walked out of Johnson Coliseum that this great big world was waiting for me to make a difference. Graduating was the first of several milestones I expected in the next few years. I was going to get a fabulous job, meet a fantastic man, have a dream wedding, buy a house and raise our kids & dog in a family friendly town. We'd be members in a local church, volunteer our time in various ways and live the white picket dream.

I can check "fabulous job" and "church member" off the list. Maybe in the next 9 years, I can check another one or two off.

A girl can dream, right?

1 comment:

Kier's Serendipity said...

So much lies ahead of you...God has His plan.